
Drone System

Tethered power system for continuous 24-hour drone operation

Client • 

Drone Manufacturer

Category • 


Industry • 


Work Overview:

A drone manufacturer sought to modify their existing quad drone line to create the "Watch-Tower" system, a drone capable of staying in the air for 24 hours continuously. This required the integration of a tethered power and communications line that connected the drone to a ground-based power source. The project demanded extensive electrical, mechanical, and thermal engineering to modify the existing power board system to handle continuous power flow without overheating, while ensuring scalability for the production of 10 units per month.


  1. Develop a modification to the existing drone power system to enable continuous 24-hour flight through tethered power.
  2. Ensure the system remained cool and functional under constant power flow to prevent overheating and maintain performance.
  3. Design the solution to be scalable, supporting the production and shipping of 10 units per month.

Scope of Work:

We implemented a scalable solution by:

  • Modifying the power board system to allow continuous power flow from the tethered ground source.
  • Incorporating thermal management systems to prevent overheating during extended operation.
  • Ensuring seamless integration of the tethered communication line for uninterrupted drone control.
  • Delivering a solution capable of being mass-produced and shipped at a rate of 10 units per month.


The Watch-Tower system enabled the client to offer 24-hour drone operation, enhancing their product line and increasing sales by 15%, while maintaining a production scale of 10 units per month.

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