User Policy

Acceptable Use Policy

Users must use ProcureStack Inc.’s services lawfully and ethically, refraining from prohibited uses.

Account Security and Responsibilities

Users are responsible for safeguarding their account information and are liable for activities under their account. Unauthorized use should be reported immediately.

Content and Conduct

Users must not post illegal, harmful, or offensive content and must adhere to guidelines for user-generated content.

Compliance with Laws

Users must use ProcureStack Inc.’s services in compliance with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations.

Violation of User Policy

Violating the User Policy may result in account termination and potential legal action.

Reporting Misuse

Users are encouraged to report any misuse or security breaches to ProcureStack Inc. immediately.

Intellectual Property

Users must respect the intellectual property rights of others. Infringement may result in account termination and legal action.

Modifications to the User Policy

ProcureStack Inc. reserves the right to modify this User Policy at any time. Continued use of the services constitutes acceptance of any changes.